Supernatural fantasies as survival supports



Supernatural fantasies, meaning concepts1 as such, serve as survival supports2 for incomplete3 systems.


In other words, observer generated maps4 guide the incomplete to completeness. When completeness is achieved an individual steps into the unknown,5 thereby extending the map.6


If the initial supportive map/boundary is too rigid7,8 then it can’t be breached and the whole system’s survival capacity decreases.9







© 2021 by Victor Langheld









1.     For ‘concept’ read: a pattern, template or map; a boundary consisting of hard but incomplete, because circumstantial evidence The latter are circumstantial because derived from selected and limited data.

2.     i.e. a protective Guide and Control system serving as boundary or firewall.

3.     For ‘incomplete’ read: immature, that is to say, incapable of independent action.

4.     i.e.. as clusters of concepts.

5.     Accesses, indeed predates, scavenges, devours random contacts/data that provide both momentum (energy) and alternate direction (thus information).

6.     By extending the map by adding and organising random data, the individual increases his/her survival capacity and that of the incomplete who follow.

7.     i.e. too conservative, hence repressive. This happened in ancient India when Brahmin installed Vedic knowledge/truth, designed to maintain the Brahmins’ status, prevented map extension, hence innovation, hence growth.

8.     The Brahmins’ fatalistic view was that the Golden Age had passed and that the future (i.e. samsara) would be miserable. In other words, India had a past but no future. Hence only escape from that misery, i.e. moksha or mukti, seemed the smartest response. So they developed the notion of the jivanmukta and which became the male ideal. Accepted by almost all astika and nastika worldviews, mostly invented by Brahmins or transmitted and edited by them, it set all of India on a downward spiral of hopelessness and self-serving corruption and which lasted pretty much until the end of the occupation by the English pirates. Only of late, and as the Brahmin’s hold/worldview has receded, has India discovered that it has a future. And moreover that moksha now means ‘escape into a better future.’

9.     i.e. it feeds on itself and so becomes corrupt and begins to die.